«Heritage Faberge»
The oldest jewelry factory in St. Petersburg, Russian Gems, holds the annual St. Petersburg Faberge Jewelry Festival. From February 1 to February 10 in the Jewelry Center on the square. Carl Faberge House 8, jewelers and designers will acquaint residents and visitors of the city with the history and style diversity of modern jewelry art.
One of the participants of the «Faberge Heritage» festival is Alexei Ivanovich Kolodko. One of the leaders of the Foundation «The Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts», a member of the Foundation's Board, a collector, philanthropist and researcher of the history of porcelain production. Alexey has been collecting porcelain sculpture and objects of decorative and applied art for over 20 years. Porcelain figurines from the private collection of Alexei Kolodko are thematically associated with theater and music. The collection of porcelain figurines and figurines «German ceramics of the Schwarzburg workshop of the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Arts» will be presented at the Heritage Faberge festival.
Visitors to the festival are waiting for a collection of exclusive jewelry, lectures and master classes on the painting of jewelry in the tradition of Faberge. The festival program includes expositions and theater-related events, since 2019 has been declared the Year of Theater in Russia. Entrance to the festival is free.
Exhibition «Teachers and Pupils»
From May 26 to June 13, 2018 in Ceremonial halls of the Research museum at the Russian Academy of Arts the Teachers and Pupils exhibition will take place. The project is organized together with «Imperial Society of Encouragement of Arts» fund, with fund of realistic art of V.F. Pustarnakov and in close cooperation with Heydar Aliyev's fund.
School Drawing exhibition
The first exhibition «School Drawing» took place in June, 2017 in «Isaak Izrailevich Brodsky's Museum apartment».
The main objective of Fund to create the new cultural and educational center of St. Petersburg, carrying on traditions of Imperial Society of Encouragement of Arts and to organize «Free workshops of the academic arts and art crafts», based on the concept of development of the OPH school in Free Academy offered by N.K. Roerich to which prevented revolution of 1917 will be carried out.
- Activity of Fund is directed to wide family audience. One of the main tasks of Fund - to give an opportunity to show the creative potential to everyone regardless of the social status, a property status and age category.
- Special attention is paid by fund to the social programs directed to work with socially unprotected segments of the population: children and adults with limited opportunities, children without parental support, needy citizens, pensioners, etc.
- In the last decades St. Petersburg actively develops as the center of world tourism, every year inflow of guests of our city everything increases. Very important in this context to support and develop an image of the city as cultural capital. The organization and support of cultural actions, noncommercial art exhibitions will give the chance to expand a framework of the shown achievements of art life of St. Petersburg, thereby will contribute to its development and promoting among guests of our city.
Founders of fund are convinced that activity of the similar organization will organically join art and cultural life of St. Petersburg, hope for effective cooperation with various cultural institutions and believe that they will be able to make a notable contribution to development of our city.